
Nathan Lueth Illustration

Created by Nathan Lueth

The stuff and doings of Comic Artist/Illustrator/Caricaturist extraordinaire, Nathan Lueth.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Canon of Vangel!
about 2 years ago – Tue, May 03, 2022 at 02:43:35 PM


Guess what! I just launched a new comic series!

It's called The Canon of Vangel!

Set 10 years after a magical reawakening, a wandering paladin must face her demons (internal and extrenal) if she's going to make a last ditch effort to stop the apocalypse in progress. If you're into stuff like Dresden Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural, then you are going to love The Canon of Vangel!

And the best part is, it's currently free to read online!



To celebrate, I'm holding me first ever May Member Drive on Patreon!


During the entire month of May, I will be dolling out all kinds of exclusive bonuses just for the folks who sign up this month. Digital comic bundles, original art raffles, personalized shoutouts, and more! And that's on top of all the exclusive bonus content you get just for being a Patreon member!

You get cool stuff, and you make The Canon of Vangel happen.


More soon!

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

4 Days Left for Mind Astray!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 10:01:04 PM

There are just 4 days left in the Mind Astray Kickstarter campaign and, overall, this has been the most chill I've ever felt doing a Kickstarter. With the Impure Blood campaigns there was this overwhelming pressure to post on social media everyday, send out email blasts and updates 3 times a week, and hit refresh on my KS dashboard every other hour.

With this one, there has been a delightful confident calm about the endeavor. I felt like everything was on track and going according to plan. Every campaign is a little bit different, but I really hope I get to take some of this one with me going forward.

That said, with just 4 days left, I'm really hoping we can get to 100 backers. Which is why, in addition to the 12 bonus process pages of my Tolkien Vs. Lovecraft short story for Cthulhu is Hard to Spell 3, I will be including a free random sketch card from Mind Astray with all physical rewards!

Maybe you'll get this sweet Harley Quinn?

Or perhaps this bitchin' Steampunk Tinkerbell?

Or maybe everyone's favorite witch, Hermione?

I've heard it said that she has resting witch face, but I don't think that's fair.

At any rate, I really hope we get to 100 backers cause, let's be honest, I just like mailing lots of stuff.

In the meantime however, I have a super recommendation for you.

Super Best Friend by Jason Inman.

Mattie Moore loves superheroes. Unfortunately, one of his livestreams wrecked the life of his best friend, the superhero, Captain Terrific. Now, Mattie must enter the fantastic world of heroes and villains to repair his friendship. BUT WATCH OUT! A bitter arch enemy demands revenge!  The Kickstarter also features a variant cover by Dan-Freaking-Jurgens, so if you're a fan of classic superhero tales (y'know, in which superheroes are actually good guys) then Super Best Friends is for you.

CLICK HERE to give it a gander.

And, if a deep dive into the fictional and real-world history of your favorite comic character seems like something you'd be interested in, you should check out his and his cohort Ashley's podcast, Geek History Lesson. I'm a regular listener and the knowledge I've gained has allowed me to convince even the most discerning gatekeeper that I am a dyed in the wool nerd-boy! Highly recommend!

And of course, here's that link to Mind Astray again. Just in case. CLICK HERE!

Midnight Central Time on Saturday is when this whole thing wraps. I honestly cannot wait to dig in to some of these commissions. This has been a great couple of weeks. I truly do have an awesome audience.

More soon.

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Mind Astray is officially launched!!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 10:10:58 AM

We are off to the races! My first ever sketchbook collection, Mind Astray, is officially launched!


And we're off to a strong start, too! If you've enjoyed my free bonus comics bundles from past Kickstarters, you might want to get in there quick because they are going fast!

But I won't play with you. I've got plenty of other bonuses in store. But if you want, like, maximum bonuses... this is your time.

And away we go! What's going to happen? I have no idea! I'm here for the ride!

More soon.

Be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

This is weird for me.
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 11:51:22 AM

So... True confessions time. It took me a looonnngg time to become OK with launching a sketchbook project like Mind Astray.

Part of it was that it just didn't make rational sense to me. People like my finished art and that's great! I've put a lot of time and effort into refining my work and getting good at creating a finished piece quickly. But I always thought it was weird that people enjoyed seeing the sketches. In my mind it was kind of like walking into a cool house and then asking to see the blueprints, or if there are any pictures of just the frame, pre-dry wall.

The other thing I'll cop to is some good ol' fashioned artist self-deprecation with a side of imposter syndrome.

"Ugh. Nobody's going to want to see that!"

"That's nothing! You just pooped that out in half an hour!"

"People will think you're a cheater if they find out how much photo reference you use."

But then, as I shared process pages in the Impure Blood books, and started doing Daily Drawing Drawings as part of the Kickstarter campaign, I slowly began to accept that people do want to see the rough drawings and they do like the things I can just do in 15 minutes.

And then the answer came to me: It's all about vulnerability.

When it comes to our work, creatives are just like anyone else. Presenting our best finished product and hiding the parts that we think people won't like or accept. Having the good stuff out front is easy (although some are even shy about that). It takes an act of faith, trust, or confidence to show people the rough stuff underneath. Some of us aren't even wiling to show our soft underbellies even to the people closest to us. The irony is, that only by showing others the totality of ourselves can we gain the acceptance we desire.

So Mind Astray is an act of vulnerability for me, but not just because I'm sharing how the sausage is made. I'm also sharing some of the things that come out when I let my thoughts wander, hence the title. Those random collisions of ideas that come in quiet moments before sleep, or in the car, or the bathroom. I have collected the ones that I have managed to capture and pin down and I'm putting them out there for you.

So, I would be flattered if you would CLICK HERE and hit the "Notify Me on Launch" button.

The campaign goes live this weekend. Pledging early helps insure the strongest possible launch, and helps to boost a project in those ever important Kickstarter algorithms.

And if you can't back, no problem. I get it. Sharing the campaign with your friends or on social media is also a great way to help.

Thanks so much for backing my projects. It means the world to me. I could not do what I do without you.

More soon.

Be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

You're gonna love this...
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 01:28:02 PM

Hey Guys!

Exciting news!

Are you a process junky? Do you like seeing how the art sausage gets made? Do you want to see some of my favorite drawing from 2021 that most folks have never seen before?

Well guess what...

My first ever sketchbook collection is coming to Kickstarter on January 22nd!

CLICK HERE for the preview page!

50 pages worth of my sketches, doodles, concepts, comics, illustrations, and random brain fart art from the past year. All collected together in this handy-dandy little tome.

Here's just a sample of what will be in it:

But here's the best thing:

You can get your book personalized with a custom commission from yours truly! Making your book totally unique! No two will be alike!

And, since you've seen my past Kickstarters, you know I like to do a little somethin' somethin' for the early birds.

The first 100 backers will be getting this bonus collection of comics added to their reward:

So here's that link on more time. CLICK HERE

And don't forget to hit that "Notify me on launch button".

It does  what it says it does.

Thanks again for your patronage! I know you'll enjoy all the things I have in store for you.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan